Some quick BM PvP notes

It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it’s actually a pretty beastly build for PvP right now – no pun intended. 😉 I still have a ways to go in terms of getting more proficient with the build and new resource system, but I see glimpses of promise. I admit, I do miss the immunity portion …

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So… which pets…

Beast Master

…will you be adding to your stable in Cataclysm?

With the proposed change to stable slots, hunters will now be able to keep a stable of 25 pets. We’ll have 20 slots available via the stable master, plus another 5 (it looks like) in our on-demand stable.

I’m so stoked over this change, I can’t tell you. It’s not that I need 25 pets, I just want to be able to have more than 5.

For example… right now I more or less have a 4 slot stable, because I have one pet, my Grimtotem Spirit Guide, that I’ll never ever get rid of. This leaves me with 4 slots, which is plenty for a lot of hunters, but me… I’m a pet maniac.

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More Updates

I updated my Spirit Beast resource page this evening and added Arcturis to the mix. There’s nothing on it that hasn’t already been covered in pasts posts, but it’s a handy quick reference for the important details. Namely, where to find them. I’ve included maps for each of the rare spirit beasties, all in one convenient location. Check it out …

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Mousie, Tauren Beast Master

A beast mastery Hunter and her Spirit Beasts

Hello readers! My name is Mousie, and I’m a dual specced Beast Master who PVEs. I theorycraft and plan my strategies ahead of time and usually top the charts. I hope to teach you Beast Masters out there how to maximize your DPS in a smart way, and maybe convince those of you who are skeptical of beast mastery that the spec isn’t so bad as everyone says.

I also have a not-so-secret addiction: rare pets. At the moment, I have all four spirit beasts and Aotona. Some may call me crazy, but what Beast Master hasn’t gone out of their way to tame a rare or uncommon spawn? Or, better yet, what hunter hasn’t? Pets are what separates hunters from all other classes (even warlocks – have you ever looked twice at a warlock’s demon?), and I couldn’t imagine myself playing without one by my side.

I’ll be providing in-depth information on both exotic and non-exotic rares. Where to get them, when to get them, how to get them, and my own personal experience taming them.

I hope to be of some type of help here, and hopefully add a new perspective to one of my favorite hunter blog sites. If ya have any questions at all, feel free to e-mail me or message me in-game (Mousie on Arygos).

Good luck and happy hunting. 😀

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